I need a biography. The Black Seal is redoing its website to reflect the upcoming second issue and has asked for contributor bios. I’ve already sent a photo but the bio itself eludes me. These last couple of weeks I just don’t care what I’ve done in my life. I’m not feeling smart ass enough to toss off a spoof piece.
Which is where you come in. Whoever you are. I need a paragraph about me to pass on to The Black Seal. I don’t care how accurate it is (though some relation to facts would be nice) so if you’re someone who has wandered onto this blog from a far corner in cyberspace and doesn’t know me from adam, feel free to write something up.
Everyone who sends a bio will receive either one of my 2003 calendars or a copy of Last Dangerous Christmas (an anthology from 1997 that features “Where Elves Come From”, a story I illustrated).
The deadline for bios is Saturday the 8th. Be sure to specify whether you want a calendar or Christmas and include a snail mail address. Send to chaosunit@aol.com and put “biography” in the subject line.