Edison Frankenstein

On this I’ve got three attempts at designing a Frankenstein monster based on the Edison Frankenstein. At the time I did these sketches wasn’t able to find much photo reference to the creature. The best I could find is the one that’s the first image on the other side of that link. Unfortunately the versions I had were pretty small and blurry. I’ve since seen the film on youtube and found out that my local video store has a copy. If I were to draw the creature again I’d rent the DVD and stop the film on a regular basis for quick sketches.

The other creatures on this page are:

In the upper right, the closet monster from The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.

Under the closet monster is a version of the Peter Cushing Frankenstein with a version of the Christopher Lee creature under the Edison creature’s arm.

At the left, midpage, is a version of the David Prowse creature from Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell.

And under that is an exaggerated version of the Universal Frankenstein.