Skook WIP #27

Here we are, the 2nd day of July, in the year of our lord 2021.

Thank you again for dropping by. Last week’s short email was planned. This week’s short email was not. I’ve had a variety of distractions – my sore leg, visiting friends, very hot weather, long hours at the post office with the afforementioned sore leg, a computer that has decided that “Power Save Mode” is its preferred mode. I’ve actually managed to get some art done but I haven’t been able write about it coherently.

Thank you to those of you who sent me your mailing addresses so I could send you a copy of Transmissions. I’d started the project in 2017 when I wanted to produce something physical after years of my work either going to PDF or posting online. Thirty plus years ago I drew a bunch of minicomics and printed them out at Kinkos. I’ve got a print in house now so I thought it would be fun to make another minicomic. I got most of it done before I started getting commissions for RPG illustrations again and I set it aside. I finally finished it when we had to quarantine this April. I printed enough copies to send to all of you who subscribe to this newsletter. If you forgot to respond last week, just reply to this email with your mailing address and I’ll send you one.

I’ll be back next week, hopefully with more art and more words. Until then, take care of yourself. Stay safe. Stay cool. Don’t blow off any limbs playing with fireworks.
