Skook WiP #86

August 19th.

My new computer is up and running. It’s missing a number of programs that were installed on my previous machine. I’m told that the programs couldn’t be transferred. I’d be more annoyed but the only one that I used with any frequency was Creative Suite 6. I have that on disk if I think I need to use it but, since I’ve subscribed to the online version of Photoshop, the disk will probably sit in my desk drawer for a few years before I finally toss it. CS6 didn’t get along with Windows 11. The more time passes the less likely it will get along with upgraded versions of Windows. My main reason for wanting it on my new computer was that I had a function set for turning scans of my pencilled art into inkable blueline prints. After doing some googling (technically duckduckgoing) I think I’ve found a way to get inkable bluelines that will require less clean up than my previous method.

We’ll see. I’ll need to actually rescan the new bluelines to see if this method works.

I’ve converted and printed out bluelines for a ten page Mighty Nizz comic and five Oz Squad/Land of Oz designs for my shops. I won’t know how they work until I’ve scanned in the inked illustration tried to drop out the blue tones. I should have an example or two to show next week. Fingers crossed.

Until then, here are the sketches for the Oz designs. They’re my versions of Steve Ahlquist’s versions of L. Frank Baum’s Oz characters.


This week’s process GIF is of a couple of kids walking their … pet. Or maybe it’s walking them. Either way, they’re all getting exercise.

That’s it for this week.

Be good to yourself. Hang out with friends. Pet a cat. Walk a dog. Feed a squirrel. Hug a tree. Punch a nazi.

See you next week!