Skook Words (and Pictures) #6

Friday snuck up on me. One minute it was Sunday and I was making an enormous lasagna for my lunches (and breakfasts and occasional dinners) and then it was today! In between we’ve been working to organize a bunch of different projects and, as is often the case when one is trying to multitask, not seeming to get a lot done.

I’m helping Sarah bring Billi 99 back into print. My role is minor, mostly listening to her and her designer talk about what needs to be done.

The Old Cat is adjusting to having the New Cat in his life and we’re adjusting to having two fur people making demands instead of just one. The New Cat came with some infections and so we’re having to give him nose drops and stuff meds down his throat. He’s no more fond of taking meds than any other cat I’ve ever met. Fortunately, the oral meds are liquid and we can administer them with a syringe.

Having the New Cat is helping keep the Old Cat off my drawing board – somewhat. He’s spending more time running around the house after the New Cat so he’s sleeping more when I’m trying to draw. But he still likes visiting my drawing board more than I’d like. But I am getting more drawing time in and making progress on the next Mighty Nizz comic.

I’m in the process of adding words to a number of my older images/designs. I like designs  that are just images. From what I see, on t-shirts out in the wild, most people like designs that include words. So ….

Below is the design prior to text –

Here is Nizz and Mimi in an expanded image with a garland of words –

The first version is still available in my Redbubble store.
The second version will be available in the Mighty Nizz store when we get it set up. We’re still in process with that.

I hope your week was good one and that your next is even better. If time passes slowly I hope it’s because you’ve got a host of lovely moments to savor! If time is running away from you – catch it in a net and feed it cookies until it’s ready to settle down.

See you in seven!

2 thoughts on “Skook Words (and Pictures) #6

  1. This is my one of my very favorite story graphic of Nizz n Mimi & it needs no words, but I get it about people liking an “expression” to be shareable with words. Thank you for FRIDAY.!! ~R.

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