The March

These Days …

We are all moved in to our new apartment. We are not unpacked. That will take time. We still have a lot of boxes of stuff that just got moved because we didn’t have time to sort it.

I’m in the process of trying to transfer from my old station to the post office here in Burien. I want a shorter commute. I put in a bid last week. It’s the first time I’ve bid on a route since I became a career employee back in 2014 and that was more a formality. I didn’t have to go through the bid system and I was only up against other new career carriers. This time I’m presumably competing with all the carriers who might want the route. The winner will be determined by seniority. Chances are I will get it.

Kaiju Gallery (Part Two)

Here’s the rest of the images I did for the Kaijuphile site back in the day. Once again, if you’re reading this post in your email, you’ll need to come to to see all the monsters.


Nick Brownlow wrote this story and I illustrated it for the Vietnam Special of The Black Seal a few years back. Sixtystone Press continues to put out nifty Call of Cthulhu related RPG stuff but The Black Seal is on hiatus. I’m really pleased with this one.

Gallery – Super Ladies

Octobriana. Fantomah. The Pink Suit. Rag Alice. Mama Heap. April Fool. Zsa Zsa. The Swift. Helen Vaughan. Don’t mess with them.

That’s it for this month! Take care of yourself. Punch a Nazi. Burn a Tesla. Impeach the President. Whatever makes you happy.

See you on April 15th!