Skook Words (and Pictures) #48

It’s Friday! You know it! I know it!

What do we do on Fridays?

I send out this newsletter. You … do whatever you want. Maybe you read it. Maybe you just look at the pictures. You’re a grown up. You do what you want.

Hopefully you’ve had a good week and are looking forward to a pleasant weekend. Thanks for stopping by! (Or opening the email version of this newsletter. Thanks for that too!)

These Days …

Rain. Darkness. Many, many parcels.

I deliver my route. I help deliver part of another route. The crates and hampers and carts filled with parcels that sit on the dock at the station move but others always seem to take their place. I’m guessing things will be like this until after Christmas.

Sometime in the distant past, the Union agreed that, during December, carriers only get paid for regular (time and a half) overtime no matter how many hours they work. The rest of the year we get paid “penalty” overtime (double pay) if we work more than two hours regular overtime. This seems like a bad agreement to me.

Lovecraft Kid

The last project I illustrated for Golden Goblin Press was The Mystery of April Snow by Oscar Rios, the powerhouse behind GGP. April and the Morgan Cousins share the same Riosverse version of the Cthulhu Mythos.

Working with Oscar was great. The Lazy Artist Me often complained to himself about the amount of stuff Oscar wanted in each illustration but I’m happy with the results. If Oscar calls wanting more work, I will happily say “YES!”

Talking to Myself

Scene –
The Studio. Many many books line shelves that have built into two of the walls. A very comfy couch and a big recliner sit in the center. A drawing table and a big desk occupy the space opposite the bookshelf walls. The Brand Manager sits behind the drawing table. He’s typing on a laptop that sits on the drawing table. A fat orange cat sprawls on the rest of the table. The Cartoonist sits behind the big desk and draws using his Wacom tablet. A fluffy black cat sleeps on the computer located under the desk.

The Mail Carrier staggers into the room. He’s left his wet coat and wet hat and wet carrier bag hanging on chairs in the dining room so they can dry overnight. He sits on the couch. He stares vaguely into space. He takes off his shoes. He sighs. He lists to the left. The list becomes a slump. The slump becomes a collapse. His eyes are closed, his body stretched out on the couch. He begins to snore.

The Cartoonist and the Brand Manager look at each other. They shrug.

Cartoonist – “Every year.”

The Brand Manager nods.

Brand Manager – “Every year. It’s a wonder we get anything done.”

And That’s It

And that’s it for this week.

Stay warm. Stay dry. See some friends and give them hugs.

See you in seven!