Premiere Bigfoot Sketches

This is the first of a series of sketches I did for the story I planned to submit to The Big Bigfoot Book. I never got beyond the sketches (and unfinished thumbnails of the unfinished story). Nizzibet and I were working on getting Glyph off the ground and I was having a hard enough time getting my art for that project done.

Might Be a Copy of Another Post

 I’m writing this text on June 18, 2016. I’m going through my website to clean up duplicate posts. The image on this page was apparently posted on August 1, 2006. It might be a duplicate of a previous post. I’m not sure.

Premiere Bigfoot Sketches

This is the first of a series of sketches I did for the story I planned to submit to The Big Bigfoot Book. I never got beyond the sketches (and unfinished thumbnails of the unfinished story). Nizzibet and I were working on getting Glyph off the ground and I was having a hard enough time getting my art for that project done.