Sunday Morning Oz Squad

I’ve recently posted new color portraits on the Oz Squad Who’s Who page –
Button Bright
The Cowardly Lion
Nick Chopper
Some Orks
and the Wizard

These are the first portraits that are done straight color, no greytone work. These are also the last portraits I’m likely to post until I get an Oz Squad webpage set up and that’s really only in the vague thinking stage. At this point now I’ve got images and short bios of all the major players that I can write authoritatively about. Yes, there are some important characters that are missing. Some of them are dead in the Oz Squad world. Some have had major changes to their character or appearances since the original Baum novels and I don’t know enough about the history of those changes to write about them.

Misspent Youths – Glorious Results Thereof

(some of) The Misspent Youths gang fifteen years later –

From left to right-

Top row –

Lili Veracruz, Moe, K.Z. O’Neil

Middle Row –

Trouble Coyote (not actually aged a day, I was tired and forgot what I was doing with the characters), Samuel (formerly Detritus), Buffy Crawfield
Bottom Row –

The guy from the fifth issue who wanted to kill everyone at Burger Bopper because his girlfriend was cheating on him, The remnants of the Pile, Treacher Murphy

More Break Time Sketches

More monster sketches.

On the left is the psycho girl monster from King Mantis. The sketchbook that features that series-in-development will start being posted next week so I’ll wait until then to say anything more.

On the right is a Frankenstein monster. I’ve developed this strange affection for Frankenstein monsters since I read the novel. Not sure why.

At the bottom is monster of indeterminate species. The image was sitting in my mind. My hands drew it. Don’t know what it is. It’s probably hungry though. Monsters usually are.

Fur and Fangs

Another break time sketch. It occurred to me that most giant monsters (Godzilla, Rodan, the Ymir, Dragons) were some sort of reptile. The mammal giants were apes (King Kong, Konga, and then more King Kong). So this guy is a mammal of some type. Hard to say what species he’s related to. I was thinking of hyena when I was drawing him but he doesn’t really resemble any mammal I can think of.