March the 20th, 2019

The clock ticks. The sand runs out. The waves pound at the shore. Change happens. To be attached to how things are in this now is to be in constant fear of the inevitable next now.

Happy Birthday to:
Morton Bergue
Jim Passantino
Vicki Johnson-Calzadilla
Chris Overton

2 thoughts on “March the 20th, 2019

  1. But…so far…you’ve always managed the next now. In fact based on your, (I mean my…), track record you should be invincible. After all who would doubt a decades long track record of success? Maybe being on the inside looking out makes a difference.

    • For me, “now” is an impermanent thing. If I’m happy I enjoy it. If I’m sad or angry I know that the feeling will pass. I know other people who feel their “nows” as if how they are feeling at moment is how they have always felt and how they will always feel. Their memories of their previous emotions are obscured by their current ones.

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