Welcome to the New Twenties

Here we are. The end of the second decade of the 21st Century, the beginning of the Twenties.

I’ve made new image banners for the site. They load randomly. You might be able to see them all by refreshing the site a couple dozen times but that would be silly.

You could also just wait until next week. Beginning Tuesday and, hopefully, continuing weekly I’ll be posting a newsletter. Sort of. I wrote a monthly newsletter for a while back in 2013/2014 and sent that out via mailchimp. This newsletter will simply be a weekly blog post. If you’d like to receive it in your email please use the link on the right side of the page to subscribe.

I don’t have big plans for this site this year beyond the weekly posts.

If anything, I’m more interested in creating things in the physical world, making images that see print rather than publication as digital files. While I think computers and the internet are (or at least were) cool things, I’m a big fan of print. Print has weight. Print has permanence that digital publication never will. Yes, I know that all things are transitory, but a printed book could be read or. at least, picked up and examined after civilization collapses. Movies, television, computers and the internet all require power to access their art. Film requires a projector. Digital files require a means to translate them. A book just needs light by which to read it.

I hope y’all are doing well. Feel free to say “Hi!”.

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