Tuesday Night Party Club #30

Gallery: 2019 Daily Sketches 91-120

This week’s gallery is another collection of the daily sketches I did in 2019. This is the fourth gallery.

Story Seed #49
Write Like An Animal

Watership Down. Duncton Wood. Tailchaser’s SongThese are novels that feature animals as protagonists. Specifically, these stories feature anthropomorphic animal societies that keep more to the “natural” versions of the featured animals rather than human societies in animal drag i.e. Wind in the Willows or the Redwall series. Watership Down is a survival adventure story starring rabbits. Duncton Wood is a mythic fantasy featuring moles. Tailchaser’s Song is a claw and sorcery tale starring cats. These are the books that come to mind because I’ve read them. There are many others.

Animals are social creatures. They all have some sort of society, a way of interacting with each other. So pick a species and tell a tale. Mice? Bears? Elephants? Possums? What sort of cultures would these critters have? What kind of adventures (or romances or domestic dramas) would they experience?

I find that thinking like an animal often helps me to understand and sympathize with my fellow humans. Despite some of our fellows’ claims to contrary, humans are animals. Animals are people. And people have stories.

Recommendation : Charles Stross

Charles Stross is a writer based in Scotland. He’s known for a couple of series – The Laundry Files (horror/espionage)  and The Merchant Princes (science fiction/space opera). His blog is a good source of commentary on the business of writing and the political scene in the UK.

Local News

I think of myself as having three jobs. The first and most time consuming job is as a mail carrier. That’s the one that gives me income to pay my bills and look after my family. The second job is as a “creative person”. Mostly that’s creating illustrations and cartoons. Sometimes that’s doing designwork or writing stories. It’s a job that both brings in some extra income and keeps me sane. I do it more for the sanity keeping than for the extra income. The process of drawing is mostly relaxing and mostly quiets my mind even if the rest of the day has been filled with stupidity. On those occasions when drawing is frustrating, when I’m trying to draw something unfamiliar or really complicated, the process still takes quiets my mind and focuses it on a specific task.

My third job is marketing my second job. It’s the job for which I have the least time. Marketing can be sending out announcements about one’s skills and talents. Marketing can be a more direct process of contacting potential clients and flashing your portfolio at them. As much as possible I combine both my second and third job. Last year I posted a drawing a day here. This year I’m writing this newsletter. The drawing/writing of random things is a pleasant activity. Regular posting keeps eyes on this site and makes me more visible to search engines. So I hear anyway.

I finished my last illustration for The Lovecraft County Holiday Collection a couple of weeks ago. It’s a week until the Growing Up / Overnight Kickstarter launches. The campaign will last 30 days. Assuming it funds at the correct stretch goal, I’ll have some more illustrations to do.

In the meantime I’m working on concept art for Kaiju Weather, a graphic novel that I’m writing with my wife. The concept art is to help her see the world of the story the way I see it. It’s a huge project. Finishing it will take a few years. I will post the concept art when there’s enough of it (and we’re farther along in the rest of book) over at our Kaiju Weather page. I’m currently expecting to start doing that in January, 2022. Yeah, I’m thinking long term.

I’m also in the process of putting together a Zazzle shop. I’ll provide a link when there’s something to sell. Right now I’m working on designs and figuring out products. That means I have to think and learn. I love thinking and learning! I just wish I didn’t need solitary, quiet time to do it. I don’t have a lot of that. Still, I should have some merchandise available before the end of this summer.

Thank you for dropping by. It’s a chaotic world out there. Keep yourself safe and reach out to your friends. We’ll make it if we hang togehter.