Skook WiP #72

Good Morning! Good Afternoon! Good Evening! (Have I covered all the possibilities?)

It’s Friday the 13th! Aren’t we lucky?

These Days …

Oh bleah. My cataract surgery has been delayed again. My fault. My sister came by to pick me up and take me to surgery. She brought cookies that she baked in her new oven. I ate two bites before I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to eat for at least 7 hours prior to surgery. We went to the surgery center. We waited. I was called in an hour late. They asked if I had anything to eat in the 7 hours. I told the truth. I got rescheduled until the 24th. We came home and had the lasagna that I had made for dinner. We had cookies and ice cream for dessert.

We helped our housemate move at the beginning of the month and we’ve been rearranging the apartment to make it available and welcoming for another, as yet unfound, housemate. This dovetails well with my book reduction project. We’re working to get all of our stuff into specific rooms and I’m working to get my book collection consolidated to three large bookshelves.

In addition to the book collection I’ve got a comic collection. I reduced it once when my mother came up from Californina to live with us in her later years. My brother kindly shipped up the boxes of Chosen Comics. I need to go through those boxes and decide what to continue to horde.

That’s actually kind of easy. There are places where I might rehome the comics I’m not keeping. More problematic – what do I do with Misspent Youths? When Brave New Words shut down the publisher sent me all the copies of the comic that he had in storage. Issue #1 had sold out so the stacks consist of issues #2-5. I don’t need to sell them. I’d be happy to give them away to anyone who wanted them but the audience is kind of limited. It’s not a book for kids. It’s black and white, the art is crude and some of it is (purposely) offensive. I could recycle them. But …

That’s a decision to put off for another day. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.


This week’s process GIF is of teddy bears. Happy multicolored teddy bears who want to hug and squeeze you!

These folks are, as usual, available on a mug in my Zazzle store and all sorts of schtuff in my Redbubble store.


This second design happened mostly by accident. I needed to go into work early one day – not for work but because I’d needed to do something else earlier in the neighborhood. I wanted to do something more useful than scrolling on my phone so I sat in the breakroom and sketched out the pattern above. After work that afternoon I scanned it into Photoshop and turned it into the design below.

I like the results. It fits nicely on schtuff that my illustrations usually don’t.

TGIF, happy Saturday and a good rest of the week.
