Skook WiP #90

Good morning! Have you had your coffee? Your breakfast? Or are you one of those folks who skips all that bounds forth into your day without a need to fuel up first?

If you are … Good for you! I’m a “drink two mugs of coffee before I can deal politely with other humans” sort of person. In years past I have tried giving up caffeine and the resulting headaches and sluggishness were so lacking in fun I just decided that I’d rather be an addict.

These Days …

We seem to be recovered from covid. I’ve got a lingering cough. I’ve always had a lingering cough after a cold, so why not?

A lot of my fellow carriers caught the bug at around that same time. We all seem to have bounced back. When customers asked where I’d been and I said “Covid” a large number of them said they’d caught it recently as well. Only one said she’d had to spend time in the hospital.

I finished inking and grey toning the Mighty Nizz comic. It’s been scanned and I’m in the process of making corrections and coloring it. I’m hoping that all the color work I’ve done for my store designs will have given me the practice I need to color this story quickly. I will be posting the final story over at the Mighty Nizz site. With a link in this newsletter, of course.

Until then –


This week’s process GIF is of a very large someone taking a stroll among the cliffs.

On a mug in my Zazzle store.
On a variety of schtuff in my Redbubble store.

Before the Rainbow

Below is the scan of the physical art for my latest Land of Oz/Oz Squad design.
After the Rainbow

And here is the design post digital coloring.
If you’d like to own a version of it, take a look in one of my stores.

Today is a work day for me. Mail to sort. Packages to deliver. Dogs to avoid.

Take care of you and yours! See you next week!