Skook Words (and Pictures) #30

Today is the first day of my three day weekend. I have all sorts of plans for what I’d like to accomplish. Art! Writing! Fix the frikking subscription function so this newsletter can invade people’s email inboxes again.

My most immediate task is finding a new housemate.

On Tuesday, August 1st, our previous housemate informed me that he’d found another place with coworkers, nearer to his work. He paid his rent for the month, minus the security deposit, and in a couple of hours, had moved his stuff out.

On the one hand, this was annoying. Aside from now having to find a new housemate, when he’d moved in he’d asked for assurances that we’d be here for the long term and that, if we decided to move, he’d get a lot of advance notice. So his sudden evacuation was a big surprise. He’d made no mention that he was even considering such a thing and he’d been good in the past about informing us of his schedule.

On another hand, he never really lived here. Our place was basically an extended stay hotel room (without maid service). He lives in California. He owns a house, has a wife and cats and is in Seattle for work. He’d stay here Monday through Thursday and head home on Friday mornings. It’s not an arrangement I’d enjoy. He had a commute of at least a half hour, each way, to get from our place to his work. I understand wanting to reduce commute time. We live five minutes from my postal station. A short commute is a big plus for me.

I’ve already contacted some folks who have advertised that they are looking for rooms. One person should be coming by this morning to take a look. I have some tidying to do. Mostly that’s vacuuming up cat hair. With Sarah out of town I haven’t really been occupying most of the house. I use the kitchen (and clean up after myself), I spend time at my computer or my drawing table, and I sleep. The cats – they go everywhere and leave fur behind. Also the occasional hairball. That I clean up immediately.

If the person coming by today isn’t interested I’ll be putting together a Craigslist ad. That’s how we’ve found people in the past. We’ve got the ability to be choosy about who we rent to. I just had other things I wanted to do. Bitch whine complain.

So this is another short newsletter.

Here is the last of the process GIFs of those character sketches.

Here is my reminder that the shop at my Ko-Fi page is open.

I hope you’ve had a good week. If you’re living in one of the hot zones, I hope you’re managing to stay cool. And I hope cooler temperatures are headed your way.

See you in seven!

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