Skook Words (and Pictures) #35

Hello, hello! Good to see you! You’re looking well. As always. You really must tell me your secret sometime. I’ve asked before. You keep avoiding the question.

Am I being rude?

Are you keeping busy? Is the world your oyster? Do you even like oysters? If so, do you prefer them raw or smoked?

These Days …

It’s been a lively week. As of last Saturday, all the Seattle carriers are starting work a half an hour later due to Seattle Postmaster mandate. I don’t like it but I’m been trying to use the extra time in the morning to my advantage and get some art done. So far, so good. The cats, that is, our real, physical cats, tend to leave me alone more in the morning than in the evening so, really, doing artwork first thing makes sense. Resisting the temptation of social media and youtube videos is a little difficult but I’m getting better at it.

On Sunday we had visitors drop by from out of town. They’re a couple I’ve known for more than thirty years. They were here for an Alaska cruise that departed on Monday. I offered to cook dinner. They offered to take us out. We settled on picking up dinner from a local Indian place and eating at our apartment. This was the best choice. In general I prefer hanging out with friends at home rather than at a restaurant. There are fewer time and noise constraints and you don’t have to worry about the subjects your conversation wanders into. We got loud. We reminisced about our misspent youths, complained about work and the current political situation. We used foul language and touched on subjects that tend to make other folks lose their appetites. It was lovely.

Monday was Labor Day. Chores were done. Plans were made. Sarah and I rested as much as possible.

Tuesday and Wednesday were long workdays. Tuesday because the day after a holiday always has a backup of mail and parcels to get out and Wednesday because we’re shorthanded. The weather is cooling down and it was only two days so I don’t have a lot of complaints. Sarah spent those days getting the house reorganized to give the new housemate more room and to catch up on chores that we’d slacked off on since she got back from Mississippi.

Thursday morning Sarah and I had a zoom meeting with the publisher who will be kickstarting the Billi 99 Special Edition. We’re moving the kickstarter from a planned October back to November so that he and his team can better prepare. They’ve run some very successful campaigns recently and that success is leading to more success and the resulting demands for time and attention. No complaints there.

Thursday afternoon we went on a date. We joke that most of our dates are going shopping or doctor visits. Yesterday we went to the movies for the first time since the Pandemic. Matinees midweek are perfect for avoiding crowds. There were maybe ten people in the theatre. We saw The Equalizer 3. If you liked the first two, you’ll probably like this one. We did.

And then we went to Costco. We had to make it a proper date, after all.

Councils of Cats

Golden Goblin Press pays for printing their books by running kickstarters. They focus on roleplaying game manuals. One of their reward levels is a chance for backers to get themselves or a loved one included as a character in the game. For Tails of Valor backers got a chance to include their beloved cats as characters and I did the cats’ portraits. Many cats, many portraits. Meow. Purrrrrrr.

Process GIF

Cats love boxes. This is an established fact. Boxes are gates to unknown realms and the cats are guarding those gates. It’s for our own good. The things on the other sides of those gates would drive us mad. So the next time your cat scrunches itself into that box you were planning to break down and toss away, say thank you. Madness has been pushed back for another day.

These intrepid guardians can be found on schtuff in my Redbubble store. Of course.

Thank you again for reading. I hope your week gives you all the fun and/or relaxation you need.

If you’ve never eaten an oyster, give it a try. Or have some pizza. Pizza is good for breakfast. Oysters … maybe not.

See you in seven!