Author Archives: skook
These Days …
Kent Mannis passed away on May 19th. He was many things but mostly, to me, he was my brother’s husband. As such, it is Glenn who can speak of him better than I. He posted his memorial yesterday.
I’m still playing catch up after my time visiting with them. Getting back into my usual rhythm has taken effort. It took a few days of sketching for me to feel like I could manage anything more than random incomplete faces and figures. I had my route to clean up, household chores that had fallen behind, shopping to do, emails and messages to respond to (I still have some outstanding ones), shows to watch that Sarah had waited on because we watch them together. Ordinary stuff. Plus a few things that aren’t part of my routine that I had to fit in.
This morning the folks who subscribe to my feed (thank you!) will have gotten more than one sketch that had failed to post as scheduled. Up until today I hadn’t had the bandwidth to notice that posts were missing. Sorry about that.
If you follow me on Facebook and Instagram you will have noticed a lack of art posts. I’d stopped because I didn’t have access to my desk top computer while I was down in California. I won’t be posting any more art there. Meta, FBs parent company, has without permission, scraped all the images of all their users to train their AI. I just found out about this. Everything I’ve posted is already in its database. Fine. But I see no reason to give it any more fodder to work with. I’ll probably continue to post photos now and then. I have less attachment to them. That’s assuming I continue to use Facebook. I’m no longer the big user that I once was.
I need to catch up on my Substack newsletter and my Ko-Fi account. I have the day off tomorrow so I plan to tackle those in the morning.
Thank you for reading. I hope the world is treating you well. If not, I hope you are treating yourself well and you’ve got friends around you who do the same.
Peace, love and monsters,