Designing George, Part 17

A third sketch of George for the same illustration. Now that George’s design is established I don’t have to worry about what he looks like I just have to find the best way of presenting what he’s doing. I start by giving the client 3 sketches. The client then usually plays a little mix and match with different aspects from each sketch and I do a second draft combining those aspects.

Who Let These People In Here?

Here we have a page without celebrities, just poor random unnamed characters that were given form on the page and then forgotten. Until now. Then tomorrow will come, I’ll post another sketch and they will fade again.


Nizzibet doesn’t like to have her photo taken. She needed a picture for some promotional material for a client so she asked me to cartoon her. This is the base art. I added more color and highlights in Photoshop. I’m not sure where the final version is.