Superhero Noir

This sketch is based on a character design by Nizzibet. A friend of ours asked us to contribute to an anthology he was thinking of putting together around the theme of superhero noir – that is, noir stories featuring superheroes. We didn’t get much farther than a rough draft of the script and this design for the heroine. Ultimately the story was darker than anything Nizz wanted to spend time writing and longer than I was willing to commit time to without getting paid. Unfortunately the anthology never got beyond the talking stage. Too bad. I may not have felt I could contribute to it but I would have liked to have read it.

A Different Morlock

After sketching the plant creature from Morlock 2001 I was inspired to draw a different sort of morlock, the sort that H.G. Wells wrote of. Sort of. This creature is from a graphic novel that I hope to produce someday so I won’t go into detail here. He’s called a morlock because he does live underground (at least figuratively) and he does eat people (literally).

Morlock 2001

One of the Atlas series that got stuck in my imagination was Morlock 2001, the story of an artificial man who transformed into a plant monster. This is a sketch of the monster.

I never actually owned any Atlas comics. My allowance didn’t have room for them. I read, or more properly, looked through them, on comics racks during the scant 4 or 5 months that the company was publishing. Reading the plot descriptions for Morlock 2001 over at the Atlas Archives makes me wonder if I would still find the character fascinating if I’d owned and read the comics. Seems like a depressing series.


This page was random practice sketches. In the top left is probably a portrait based on a photo. I don’t recognize her otherwise. In the top right is good ol’ Detritus.
In the middle left, Trouble Coyote. In the middle right is probably the Mayor from Finnegan’s Brink, the graphic novel that Nizzibet and I may finish before we drop dead. At the bottom are sketches for King Roach adversaries.