BRP – Iron Giants

I love giant monsters. I’m less interested in giant robots. It’s not that I dislike them. I just have more of an affinity for the organic. Drawing machines takes more effort and thought for me than drawing trees and animals. So this drawing was more work than many of the others.

BRP – Brawlin’

I doubt if my style looks anything like his but I have to credit Gil Kane for this one. Kane was the master of dynamic-punch-that-knocks-a-guy-across-the-room-and-into-your-face shot. Seeing that shot in dozens of comics while growing up burned it into my brain. The speed lines (that don’t really show up in this scan) come courtesy of all the manga that have come in recent years.

BRP – WEIRD Knights

Back in 1991 I wrote the outline and first couple of issues of an adventure comic titled WEIRD Knights. It featured a Mission Impossible type group that dealt with supernatural/weird science menaces. The group’s leader would choose her team based on what sort of threat they were facing. Pia Guerra drew at least the first issue. I forget how far she got on the second. It doesn’t matter much since none of the work ever saw print. The company that contracted the work shut down.

The characters still live in my imagination. Now some of them will get to see print.

BRP – The Shepherd and the Bone Ghost

I keep the copyrights on the illustrations I do for Chaosium. Some of the characters appearing in the pieces for the Basic Roleplaying Manual are ones I might use in future projects. I posted a version of the Shepherd a while back. The other fellow is the Bone Ghost, one of those obsessed dark avenger types that have populated superhero (underwear pervert) comics on a regular basis in the last couple of decades. I haven’t actually settled on a name for the character. Today he’s the Bone Ghost, tomorrow he might be the Revenge, Ragged Justice the day after. Nothing has stuck yet.