1995 Calendar: May

Sandra and … her boyfriend … I can’t remember his name right now and I’m writing this post while on the road so I can’t check one of the comic pages … meet the Switagern. Sandra is Buffy Crawfield’s little sister. The Switagern is a creature I invented back in 6th grade. Griffins are a mix of eagles and lions and Hippogriffs are mixes of eagles and horses. The Switagern is the unlikely mix of a swan and a tiger.

And those critters in the foreground? What do they look like a mix of?

1995 Calendar: January

Most of the illustrations in the 1995 calendar featured characters from Misspent Youths. At the time I was thinking of reviving the series as a self published comic that I intended to call Bonecage Graffiti. Aunt Hortense and the Lizards were going to be part of the ensemble cast of the comic.

But in 1995 Nizzibet and I began our plans for world domination and Bonecage Graffiti became one of the serials in the first version of Glyph.

The human characters on the page are Black Molly (in black), Lili Veracruz (in plaid) and Sequoia St. Jude O’Hare (in the hat).

1995 Calendar Front Cover

From 1988 to 1995 I did a series of calendars. The calendars featured original illustrations each month. The first calendar in 1988 featured a different “classic” monster each month – vampire, witch, werewolf, etc. Every calendar (but one) after that featured the Lizards. I’ve never really worried too much about what the Lizards actually were. They had the ability to create doors in reality so they could have adventures pretty anywhere. They had an Aunt Hortense, who was constantly smoking something, but otherwise their relationships are undefined. I couldn’t tell you if they were siblings or cousins or friends. I’m not even sure that Hortense is really anyone’s Aunt.

The last calendar in that series was done in 1994 for the coming year of 1995. The theme of this issue was “Through Time and Space with Aunt Hortense” so basically it was an excuse for me to draw whatever I wanted.

The art was done on duoshade boards, an artboard with a pattern imprinted on it that can brought out by painting a chemical on it. One chemical brought out a hatch pattern. A second chemical brought out a crosshatch. Duoshade doesn’t scan as well as I’d like. It tends to show a moire pattern.