Sentient 39

While none of these sketches represent any specific character I’m pretty sure they are representative of characters from my Sentient 39 universe. Not that that really explains much if you don’t live in my head. Which hopefully you don’t. It leaks and no one has vacuumed the carpets since I was born.

All Tangled Up

The portrait at the top of the page is a burrabb. By now you might recognize the creatures.

I don’t know (or don’t remember) what’s happening to the poor fellow below the burrabb. He doesn’t look like he’s having a good time.

Cauldron Sociology

I keep most of my story notes in my head. That’s really not the safest place. My brain feels the need to remember useless things (some embarrassing thing I did in third grade, the names of movie stars, what I had for lunch last Thursday) along with everything else.

Occasionally I feel the need to write down story details and ideas and we get pages like this.


This page was random practice sketches. In the top left is probably a portrait based on a photo. I don’t recognize her otherwise. In the top right is good ol’ Detritus.
In the middle left, Trouble Coyote. In the middle right is probably the Mayor from Finnegan’s Brink, the graphic novel that Nizzibet and I may finish before we drop dead. At the bottom are sketches for King Roach adversaries.