Silurian: Step Five

Silurian Color

I’m not as good a colorist as I’d like to be. I have a hard time knowing how to balance colors. Color is a tool and one of the best ways to learn how to use to tools is to restrict the uses of them. For this illustration, I decided to stick with just purple (for the shadows of the cave) and yellow (for whatever the light source is).

How does it look?

Silurian: Step Four

Silurian Highlighted

Contrast is an important part of any good illustration. Once I’d done my standard Photoshop adjustments, I worked on emphasizing the light source on the Silurian. If this piece were intended to be black and white, I’d stop here. Since I want the final piece to be color, I’ve got another step to take.

Silurian: Step One

Silurian Sketch

In Morgo the Mighty, the Silurians are a race of scale-skinned humans who obey the commands of the evil Zorimi. I’ve got plans to adapt and illustrate Morgo but those plans are long term. I’ve got a lot of other projects to complete before I can dedicate much time to that. I can, in the meantime, do some development illustrations.

The image in today’s post is the base sketch for one of those illustrations.