A feature being on a map is not a guarantee of its existence in the world. Map makers will invent streets and landmarks in order to have a copyrightable product. Traveler beware.
The fool that says, “In order to save (x) we had to destroy it!” is, just that, a fool. Destruction is simply destruction. It’s easier than creation. It’s certainly easier than restoration. The fool looks for the easy solution. The rest of us have to clean up the mess.
“Demons do not exist to tempt you. We are gatekeepers. If your temptation takes you too close to escaping this prison it is our task to make you lose your way. If you cannot escape you cannot aid anyone else in escaping.”
One person can read to another. There is joy in that. It is a different pleasure to lose oneself in a book on ones own. The interaction is between reader and author and the story exists in the space between them.