June the 9th, 2019

Are you haunted by the person you think you could have been “if only”?

“If only I’d gone to college I’d have better opportunities.”
“If only I’d been able to date that nice person I’d have a happy relationship.”
“If only I’d bought that house instead of that Lamborghini I wouldn’t be living in a tent.”
“If only …”

There are infinite “if only”s. Be fair. Listen to some of the other “if only”s once in a while.

“If only I’d learned never to question my teachers I’d be an ignorant fool.”
“If only I’d stayed with that abusive asshole I’d have even more resiliant PTSD.”
“If only I’d put a camper shell on that Lamborghini I’d be homeless in style.”
“If only …”

Happy Birthday to:
Paul Zager

June the 7th, 2019

There is less 2% difference between human genes and gorilla genes. Genetically there is no such thing as race. Culture exists separately from genetics. Genetics gives us the hardware to think. Culture is the material we use to form our thoughts. Cultures are what turn milk into yogurt.

Happy Birthday to:
The big toe. And its subsequent stubbing.