Skook Words (and Pictures) #51

Hello, hello! You’re looking fabulous, as usual.

This is the last newsletter of 2023 and the last newsletter for a while. You will (huzzah! hooray!) continue to get emails (or see posts). Starting on Monday I will be posting daily. I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions so much as I invent yearly projects. This is my project for 2024. As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters, I’m working on mastering drawing using Clip Studio Paint and my Wacom tablet. I’m working on the sketches as if I’m doing a daily comic strip – six small sketches from Monday to Saturday with one large sketch on Sunday. I’m restricting myself to a half hour for the smaller sketches and an hour for the larger ones. (With a little wiggle room in these early days as I have to figure out how to do things in CSP that I already knew how to do in Photoshop.)

A new format means it’s time for new website banners. You won’t see these if you only see these newsletters in your email. These will be appearing randomly over at starting January 1st.

Aside from improving my skill with CSP, I’m experimenting to see if I can increase my audience.

I’ll be simultaneously posting the sketches to my Substack newsletter.

I’ll be posting details of the sketches to my Instagram account that will feed to my Facebook page. (Instagram crops images to 1×1 ratios. The sketches are 2×1 and 2×3. I’m precropping the sketches because Instagram can’t be trusted to make good crops.)

I’ll be posting hi-res downloadable versions of the sketches to supporters of my Ko-Fi account.

Here in the real world I’ll be working on Sunk Cost Elegy, illustrations for a new Oz book and … stuff. And delivering mail. Of course.

I’ll undoubtedly write the occasional essay post but, for the next few months, expect more pictures than words.

Thank you for tuning in so far. Your attention is appreciated.

See you Monday!