To Walk the Night

Back in 2014, Edward Morris contacted me to ask me about using the illustration for “If Company Should Come” in a collection of his short stories. I said yes and offered to illustrate another story of his choice. Below is the illustration for that story – “To Walk the Night”.

Both stories (and illustrations) were included in the ebook edition of CARCOSA TENEMENT BLUES. The book, unfortunately, seems to be out of print – a weird thing since it’s an ebook. It was never “printed” as such. It did get a glowing review on Amazon.

Hopefully it will see actual print someday. Mr. Morris’s writing deserves to be widely read and appreciated. walkfinal

If Company Should Come

Back in 2011 I illustrated two stories for THE AKLONOMICON, an anthology of Lovecraftian stories and poems. The print run of the book was very limited and it has long since sold out. Sadly (for me) I only have a PDF of the book, not a print version. PDFs and ebooks may be the way most things get published (now and) in the future but I can’t put them on my shelves so they just don’t seem real.

Below is my illustration for “If Company Should Come” by Edward Morris. I don’t think the story has seen print yet anywhere else. That’s unfortunate. Ed is fine fellow and his way with words makes me very very jealous. 417944_10151426470637695_1856986539_n

Preview Sketches

Here are some of the sketches I plan to turn into colored illustrations over the next few months. No doubt I will get distracted and work up new sketches before all of these get completed. I’ve also started work on a graphic novel commission that I expect will take up most of the time that isn’t currently filled by my day job. This week I’m just posting these previews and a few other, older illustrations that haven’t made it to this site yet. There may be some weeks where I don’t post. Hopefully not but … minisketches2017001 minisketches2017002 minisketches2017003 minisketches2017004

An Unholy Trio – Black and White


From left to right – Wilbur Whateley, the Frankenstein Monster and Helen Vaughn. I did a portrait of this trio last year. I didn’t think I did them quite the justice they deserved so here’s another attempt.

Most folks know who the Frankenstein Monster is. Other folks know Wilbur Whateley from The Dunwich Horror. Helen is the more obscure character. She’s the “monster” in The Great God Pan.